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Data Columns

Here is a list of all available data columns:

Column ID Name Units Description
Planet Information
NAME Name Standard Name for the star + planet name.
OTHERNAME Other Name Other Name for the planet.
COMP Planet Name lower case letter, b, c, d, designates planets in order of discovery.
HD HD # Number in Henry Draper catalog
HR HR # Number in Bright Star Catalog.
HIPP Hipparcos Catalog # Number of star in Hipparcos Catalog.
SAO SAO Catalog # Number in Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Catalog of Stars.
GL Gliese Catalog # Number of Gliese-Jahreiss Catalog of Nearby Stars (within 25 pc).
BINARY Binary Flag ✗ indicates single star, ✓ indicates binary or multiple star system.
RA RA Hours Right Ascension in decimal form (hours). J2000, epoch 2000, from Simbad
DEC DEC Degrees Declination in decimal form (degrees). J2000, epoch 2000, from Simbad
RA_STRING RA (h:m:s) Right Ascension. J2000, epoch 2000, from Simbad
DEC_STRING DEC (d:m:s) Declination. J2000, epoch 2000, from Simbad
KEPID Kepler ID The unique Kepler star identifier
KOI KOI KOI object number
KDE KDE If true, then this planet appears in the Kepler archive.
EOD EOD If true, then this planet has been vetted by the team.
MICROLENSING Microlensing If true, then this planet was detected via microlensing.
IMAGING Imaging If true, then this planet was detected via imaging.
TIMING Timing If true, then this planet was detected via timing.
ASTROMETRY Astrometry If true, then this planet was detected via astrometric motion.
Stellar Parameters
BMV B-V B-V color (blue - visual magnitudes).
V V mag V-band magnitude (visual) of the host star [mag].
J 2MASS J 2MASS J magnitude for stars.
H 2MASS H 2MASS H magnitude for stars.
KS 2MASS KS 2MASS KS magnitude for stars.
DIST Distance to Star Parsecs Distance to planetary system based on parallax.
PAR Parallax Milliarcseconds Measured Parallax, usually from Hipparcos Catalog.
VSINI Vsin(i) Kilometers/Seconds Equatorial velocity of star times the sine of the inclination of the star's axis (i = 0 implies pole-on).
GAMMA Gamma Kilometers/Seconds Systemic radial velocity.
Orbit Parameters
PER Orbital Period Days The orbital period of the planet.
ECC Orbital Eccentricity The eccentricity of the orbit, on the usual scale of 0 to 1, where 0 is circular and 1 is extremely flattened.
OM Argument of Periastron Degrees Angle between the line of nodes and the line from star to the planet at periastron, in the plane of the orbit.
K Velocity Semiamplitude Meters/Seconds The semiamplitude of the Doppler variation (half of the peak-to-peak radial velocity variation.).
T0 Time of Periastron JD The time of one periastron passage of the planet in JD.
DVDT Velocity Slope Meters/Seconds/Days Residual, linear trend in velocities due to additional, long period companions.
I Orbit Inclination Degrees Inclination of orbit (transits only)
MSINI Msin(i) Jupiter Mass Minimum mass of planet. True masses are typically higher by about 15% due to the geometric effects of inclination.
A Semi-Major Axis Astronomical Units (AU) Semi-major axis.
MASS Planet Mass Jupiter Mass Mass of planet.
SEP Separation Astronomical Units (AU) Separation between star and planet.
TREND Flag for linear Trend Flag indicating that a linear trend was (✓) or was not (✗) added to the Keplerian mode, usually indicating a second, distant orbiting companion.
LAMBDA Spin-Orbit Misalignment Degrees Sping-Orbit Misalignment
BIGOM BigΩ Degrees Longitude of ascending node.
Transit Parameters
DEPTH Transit Depth Transit depth [(Rp/Rstar)2 - i.e. dimensionless]
T14 Duration of Transit Days Duration of transit (1st to 4th contact)
TT Epoch of Transit Center Epoch (time) of transit center [JD-2440000]
R Planetary Radius Jupiter Radii Planetary radius.
AR a/R* The ratio of the semimajor axis of a planet to the stellar radius.
B Impact Parameter Impact parameter [stellar radii]
DENSITY Planetary Density Grams/Centimeters3 Planetary density.
GRAVITY Surface Gravity Planetary surface gravity [log10(cm/s^2)]
TRANSIT Transit ✗ indicates that no transit is known, ✓ indicates that a transit of the planet was seen.
DR Distance During Transit Distance during transit in stellar radii
RR RR Planet/star radius ratio
SE Depth
SE Secondary Eclipse ✗ indicates that no secondary eclipse has been detected; ✓ indicates at least one secondary eclipse has been detected in the wavelengths listed below.
SEDEPTHJ Secondary eclipse depth in J band The secondary eclipse depth measured in the near infrared J band centered at 1.25 micron.
SEDEPTHH Secondary eclipse depth in H band The secondary eclipse depth measured in the near infrared H band centered at 1.65 micron.
SEDEPTHKS Secondary eclipse depth in Ks band The secondary eclipse depth measured in the near infrared Ks band centered at 2.15 micron.
SEDEPTHKP Secondary eclipse depth in the Kepler photometry band The secondary eclipse depth measured in the Kepler photometry band in the optical from 400 to 865 nm.
SEDEPTH36 Secondary eclipse depth in 3.6 micron The secondary eclipse depth measured with Spitzer in its IRAC1 band centered at 3.6 micron.
SEDEPTH45 Secondary eclipse depth in 4.5 micron The secondary eclipse depth measured by Spitzer in its IRAC2 band centered at 4.5 micron.
SEDEPTH58 Secondary eclipse depth in 5.8 micron The secondary eclipse depth measured by Spitzer in its IRAC3 band centered at 5.8 micron.
SEDEPTH80 Secondary eclipse depth in 8.0 micron The secondary eclipse depth measured by Spitzer in its IRAC4 band centered at 8.0 micron.
Fit & References
RMS RMS of Velocities The RMS of the velocity residuals to the Keplerian model.
CHI2 Reduced Chi Squared Reduced chi-square of the velocities (including jitter).
NOBS # of Observations Number of Doppler observations.
NCOMP Components Number of planets known in the system.
MULT Multiple Flag Multiple planets (✓) or only a single planet (✗).
PLANETDISCMETH Method of discovery for the planet Potential fields are Transit and RV
STARDISCMETH Method of discovery of first planet in system Potential fields are Transit and RV
DATE First Publication Date First publication date.
FIRSTREF First Reference First peer reviewed published orbit.
ORBREF Orbit Reference Reference to orbit in this table.
Stellar Properties
STAR Star Name Standard Name for the star.
MSTAR Mass of Star Solar Mass Estimated mass of the star, usually based on associating the star's effective temperature and luminosity with stellar models.
RSTAR Radius of Star Solar Radii Estimated radius of the star.
TEFF Teff Kelvin Effective temperature of star.
RHOSTAR Density of star Grams/Centimeters3 Density of star as measured from transit photometry and radial velocity information.
LOGG log10(g) log10 of the gravity at the surface of the star (cgs units).
FE [Fe/H] Ratio of Fe to H, relative to that in the Sun, on a log scale with solar being 0.0, and -1.0 being 1/10 solar abundance.
SHK SHK The Mt Wilson "S Value", a measure of the emission at the cores of the Calcium H&K lines.
RHK log RHK The chromospheric emission in the cores of the Calcium H&K lines, indicating magnetic activity on the star.
KP KP Kepler bandpass magnitude.
JSNAME EPE Link Link to this planet in the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia ( database.
ETDNAME ETD Link Link to this planet in the Exoplanet Transit Database (
SIMBADNAME SIMBAD Link Link to this planet in the SIMBAD ( database.
EANAME Exoplanet Archive Link Link to this planet's star in the Exoplanet Archive ( database.