6 June 14, 2002
5 January 16, 2001
5 January 10, 2001
4 Mar 30, 2000
3 Nov 15, 1999
3 April 16, 1999
3 March 2, 1999
3 Jan 10, 1999
2 June 26, 1998
1 February 9, 1997

1Copyright 1997 by The New York Times. 
Reprinted with permission.

2Copyright 1998 by The New York Times.
Reprinted with permission.

3Copyright 1999 by The New York Times. 
Reprinted with permission.

4Copyright 2000 by The New York Times. 
Reprinted with permission.

5Copyright 2001 by The New York Times. 
Reprinted with permission.

6Copyright 2002 by The New York Times. 
Reprinted with permission.